Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pace and Parker walk together!

Pace joined us at Pt. Isabel today. Pace is about 5 years old; we have no idea what breed he is, some suggest part monkey. Pace's a great example of what Parker would look like if he were a healthy weight.

Yes it's true, Parker is overweight. Despite the endless games of fetch and limited amounts of treats, Parker still has quite a lot of excess fat, especially around his neck. His dad and I are working on an exercise and diet regimen to get him down to a healthy weight.

Overweight dogs have a lot more health problems. In the summer months, they get tired far more easily, and even when it's not so hot, they tend to tire more quickly than their healthy compadres. Getting out everyday for a long hike, with lots of water breaks in the shade, can help get dogs feeling happier and more energetic.

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