Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This afternoon

This afternoon Blue, Parker and I went on the West Ridge trail instead of the East Ridge Trail. It was misting heavily but the kids were'nt bothered. Both enjoyed a great game of fetch. We had a real tennis ball today and it was a group effort, me included, to keep it out of the blackberry brambles. Here's a picture of blue and parker fixated on where the tennis ball might go next.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Parker and I walked alone together at the Berkeley Marina last thursday. Blue wasn't feeling well :(. We both wish there were more small dogs to play with on our afternoon hikes.

This afternoon

Life is unchanged in the new year. Parker is still playing fetch with pine cones, and blue is still tagging along, sometimes playing and running about, but mostly saying, "hi" to the other dogs on the trail, and finding tasty clumps of grass to eat during our hike on the East Ridge Trail at Redwood Park. We'd sure love four more small dogs to join us on our afternoon walks!

Yesterday Afternoon

Bandit is happily pooped after a 1/2 hour of fetch. Once I get some of his crazy energy spent in the small dog park at Joaquin Miller, we go for a hike on long lead in Redwood Park.