PJ, an intact male Shi Tzu, is sweet as can be but humps everyone in sight. This can be problematic with many dogs, so I always watch and push him off whenever he starts. You can see in this pic, Cici is starting to curl her lips at him.
Bonner and Murphy gave a rowdy chase to a few small dogs we met along the way. I tried to take pics, but all I got were blurs and grass. Bonner loved Blue! And Blue was very playful today especially when Murphy, Parker, Blue and Bonner started playing fetch. Bonner really doesn't like to be leashed up when it's time to go, and his recall is spotty outside, so he trails a leash at the park.
Parker played fetch and went to love all the men we met at the park. He loves introducing himself to strangers, especially men, for petting, throwing of sticks, and kisses.
It was great to run into so many small dogs at the park! And having a nearly full group was such fun too!

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