Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Perfect Day

Wow, yesterday really felt like a perfect day. We had PJ the Shih Tzu join our regular tue/thur walking group up at Redwood Park. We had so much fun! PJ is such a lively little fellow. He was off leash for the whole walk this time. He definitely marks, and does his own thing a lot, but he comes happily when called and is really starting to get used to our groups.
Parker played fetch with his pine cone as always. He's a bit overweight, so his dad has him on a diet, and he's getting rewarded for good behavior with more games of fetch, instead of treats.
Blue loved! PJ. She ran around in circles and play bowed to him for fifteen minutes straight. I think she's in love.
We had cyclists, who were whizzing past us, and joggers on the trail today, and PJ was uninterested in either. Yay for dogs whose focus is me and the bushes!

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