Sunday, July 22, 2012
Back to Work!
Little Paws' Big Adventures business owner Karin Cornwall is back to work carrying her new daughter. She's pictured here with Relay out at Briones park.
Karin is very sad to have lost her sweet dachshund sidekick, Turnpike, who suddenly and unexpectedly died of a spontaneous back injury just before her fourth birthday. Turnpike is pictured here with her buddy Blue at the Albany Bulb.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today was just lovely at Sibley Volcanic Preserve. it's been sunny and warm lately so the trails have dried out quite a lot and we were able to take my favorite shady trail at the park. I, Karin, hiked with Eric, Mocha, Parker, Moose, Lulu, Cosmo, Figaro and Turnpike. The kids ran and played so much in the shade. Lulu was especially happy to not be wearing a sweater that she got lots of exercise running and playing with her packmates!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Yesterday we managed to avoid the rain and hail. Karin took Turnpike and Relay up to Briones to hike. We saw some cows, which always gives the dachshunds a thrill. The day was quite mild which was nice. Turnpike and Karin are looking forward to Figaro coming to stay with us for a week the week after next. We're hoping to get out to the beach if the weather stays nice. Look forward to dachshunds at the beach!
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012
Yesterday's hike with Karin Cornwall, Eric Schwartz, Moosheroo (Moose), Mocha, Figaro, Lulu, Parker, and Turnpike at Sibley Volcanic Preserve.
4/3/12 - Chickens?!?
Friday's walk at the Lamorinda bike path with Karin Cornwall, Turnpike and Relay. The pups stopped to check out the backyard chickens. Congratulations to Relay's family on Relay's new baby brother, Charlie!
Monday's hike with business owner Karin Cornwall and her independent contractor Eric Schwartz hiking at Sibley Volcanic Preserve with doggies: Turnpike, Mocha, Lulu, Cosmo, and Figaro.
Friday's hike with business owner, Karin Cornwall, Turnpike, Relay, Lulu and Figaro at Briones Park.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
3/23/12 and 3/25/12

On Friday Figaro, Turnpike, Relay and I went for our dog walk on the bike path in Lafayette. Surprisingly the dogs were unmotivated to check out the chickens, but all three inspected and gave kisses to this adorable 2 yr old boy.
On Sunday Pike and I went up to the Graham Trail in Redwood Park for a little hike. We managed to avoid the rain and hail forecast.
Friday, March 23, 2012

Yesterday new independent contractor, Eric Schwartz, and LPBA business owner, Karin Cornwall, took the trail hiking group, Mocha, Parker, Lulu, Cosmo, and Turnpike, to Sibley Volcanic Preserve. Eric is working on leashing all the dogs quickly when major distractions come up the path, like a gaggle of 50 or so schoolchildren. Otherwise he's doing really well! All the dogs have warmed up quickly to him and his references from previous pet sitting gigs glow about how wonderful he is.
After our hike at Sibley, Turnpike and business owner, Karin Cornwall, headed out to Lafayette to walk Relay at the bike path. Turnpike and Relay love each other and love to bark at all the squirrels on the path. But their favorite part of the walk, paws down, is the yard with the chickens :). We'll have to get a pic of that today with their ears all perked up!
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yesterday Little PAws' Big Adventures business owner Karin Cornwall took Moose, Cosmo, Pike, Luli, and Parker to Sibley Volcanic Preserve. We had a great hike on the Round Top Loop trail. It was a very warm day so we stopped a few times for water breaks and cookie breaks, and general cooling off in the grass and for Parker, cuddling on the lap and loving up on strangers. Turnpike found some really gross puddles to gleefully splash through, and Moose stayed really quite clean.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Today I celebrated my birthday by continuing to train Eric on hiking the dogs. He's just about ready to take over the reins. Today I hiked with him, Mocha, Parker, Cosmo, Lulu and Turnpike at Sibley Volcanic Preserve. Later I took Relay and Pike to Briones for a hike up our usual hill. Relay and Pikey are old friends and love each other's company.
Monday, March 19, 2012
New Independent Contractor

Well, it has certainly been a long time since I posted regularly on here and for that I apologize! Here's the back of my new independent contractor, Eric Schwartz, with our pack today: Cosmo, Lulu, Figaro, Turnpike, and Eric's dog Mocha. Eric's taking over for me while I go on maternity leave, through the end of September, or so. I've been training Eric for the past week, and will continue to train him as he takes over the reins of my hiking, pet visits, and boarding over the next several months.
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